Hong Kong is embracing blockchain technology in search for a new business identity and opportunities. The city has been a household name in shipping and finance, but the rise of the tech behind cryptocurrencies might add a new dimension to it. As with the...
One of the leading cryptocurrency traders at an online trading service eToro – Jay Smith – is not fazed by the volatility of the market. He welcomes it. An early investor in bitcoin, Smith has moved to other cryptocurrencies and tech stock, diversifying his portfolio...
While cryptocurrencies might look like an incredibly tempting investment opportunity at the moment, not everyone is on board. While the absurd volatility of the most valued currency on the market – Bitcoin – does not exactly make it a risk yet, it is a legitimate...
In the rapidly evolving digital landscape new ideas come and go in a blink of an eye. And each trend seems to get an alarming amount of ‘experts’ with a business lifespan of a fruit fly. That was as relevant in an era of Facebook ads as it is in the new Bitcoin...
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation are introducing an open-source software to facilitate the creation of payment platforms for developing economies. Designed to ensure interoperability between various financial services and established payment platforms. This is...